Ronit Martin.

Hi! Ron here! I'm an enthusiastic STEM student exploring roles in software engineering, data analytics, and cybersecurity, with proven skills in Data Analysis and developing Web Applications. I'm experienced in working with a team of driven individuals, as well as with cloud computing tools. I'm passionate about building high-quality, scalable products that users will love!

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About Me.


Ever since I can remember, technology has always captivated me. I have been fascinated by video games in particular, and my enthusiasm is stronger than ever. Now, as a computer science major at the University of Leeds, I'm taking that passion to the next level.

In my free time, I pursue creative hobbies like photography, piano, and sports - providing a balance to my intense course. I'm excited to see this journey lead me to enhance many lives. For now, I'm focused on soaking up knowledge, developing my abilities, and seizing every opportunity that comes my way!

  • My Technical Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, React, Git & GitHub, C++, R & Figma.


Web Design

I can craft beautiful, responsive websites optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop. Skilled in UI/UX design principles and proficient with HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Data Analysis

I can turn complex data into visually engaging infographics, charts, graphs.

Mobile Apps

I design and transform projects into mobile apps to provide a seamless user experience.


HTML, JavaScript, face-api.js

AI Facial Detection

I developed real-time face detection and recognition through a webcam using AI and the 'face-api.js' library, integrating advanced features to detect facial landmarks and expressions.

Notion, Figma, Content Creation


A collection of Notion templates designed by me for the purpose of digital productivity.

Python, sci-kit learn, pandas

Premier League Matches Predictor

I created a machine learning model to predict Premier League football match outcomes using historical data and statistics, leveraging libraries such as pandas, scikit-learn, and NumPy to clean data, train models, and evaluate performance.


iPhone App

Project that you carry out in the design and structure of the layout, showing the design at the client's request.


Backlog App for Media

Project that you carry out in the design and structure of the layout, showing the design at the client's request.

Contact Me.

I would love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out by using this form.

I'm always open to discussing new projects, ideas, or opportunities to work together. Whether you have a question, want to say hi, or just share some feedback, I would love to hear from you!

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